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Stay informed with the latest updates in business law. Our articles provide insights into legal developments affecting businesses in Oxford and beyond. As a leading law firm in Oxford, Challenor Gardiner Solicitors is committed to keeping our clients and the business community well-informed.

Bank Relieved of Compensation Bill Despite Employee’s Unfair Dismissal
Financial institutions are entitled to expect their staff to display a high level of probity. An Employment Tribunal…
Supreme Court Delivers Blow to Trade Union in Delivery Riders Test Case
Are you an employee, a worker, or neither? The answer to that question could not be more important…
Social Worker’s Anxiety at Prospect of Attending Court Ruled a Disability
Activities that some people might find unconcerning can, for others, be a source of anxiety amounting to a…
Debt Recovery and Winding Up Proceedings – a High Court Cautionary Tale
If you are having trouble recovering a debt from a company, it is open to you to issue…
Resignation in the Heat of the Moment – EAT Sets Out the Legal Principles
When an employee utters words of resignation in the heat of the moment, employers are often left in…
University Manager Succeeds in Unfair Dismissal/Disability Discrimination Claims
Redundancy processes that lack transparency or fail to pay particular regard to the position of disabled employees are…
Employers – Stamp Out Offensively Blokeish Behaviour or Pay the Price
When offensively blokeish behaviour in the workplace enters the realms of sexual harassment it is employers who are…
Strife in the Workplace and Reasonable Adjustments – Guideline Ruling
Many employers behave creditably when coping with serious breakdowns in working relationships. As a guideline Employment Tribunal (ET)…
Debtor’s False Sob Story Lands Him in Prison for Contempt of Court
Witnesses who deliberately give false evidence in legal proceedings are very likely to be found out and severely…
Gender Transition – Deadnamed Employee Wins Substantial Compensation
Those who undergo the challenging process of gender transition are entitled to their employers’ full understanding and support…
Whistleblowing and the Importance of Causation – Guideline EAT Ruling
To succeed in a whistleblowing claim it is necessary to show not only that there has been a…
Purchasing Property Via an Offshore Company May Muddy the Legal Waters
Purchasing a residential property under the aegis of an offshore company may have its advantages, but it can…
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