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Commercial Property

Keep abreast of the latest news in commercial property law. Our insights cover legal updates and market trends relevant to property transactions in Oxford and the surrounding areas. As trusted solicitors in Oxford, Challenor Gardiner provides the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

Deemed Commercial Tenancy Inferred from Possession and Payment of Rent
Even in the absence of a formal lease, the existence of a tenancy can in some cases be…
Long Lease of Stately Home Hotel Validly Terminated, High Court Rules
Most commercial leases contain break clauses, but the circumstances in which they can be exercised is a frequent…
Commercial Property Developer Fails in Bank ‘Intimidation’ Claim
Banks and other lenders must serve their clients with reasonable care and skill – but they are not…
Tower Block Owners Granted Pre-Emptive Anti-Urban Exploring Injunction
Commercial property owners are increasingly plagued by so-called ‘urban explorers’ who risk life and limb by scaling high-rise…
Has Your Property Been Compulsorily Purchased? Don’t Sit on Your Hands!
If your property has been compulsorily purchased by a public authority to make way for an infrastructure project,…
Fears for Veteran Mulberry Tree Derail Listed Former Hospital Redevelopment
Tree preservation is an important objective of planning policy and is becoming all the more so in an…
Commercial Leases and Opting Out of Security of Tenure – Test Case Ruling
Commercial landlords and tenants may contract out of the security of tenure provisions of the Landlord and Tenant…
Supreme Court Takes a ‘Real-World’ Approach to Rates Avoidance Schemes
When assessing whether tax mitigation schemes are effective, judges must interpret legislation in the real world and with…
Bat Conservation – High Court Ruling Averts Costly Delay to HS2 Rail Project
A price cannot be put on the conservation of rare species and habitats. However, the High Court has…
Inaccurate Street Drawing Stymies Residential Planning Permission
A great many planning permissions are granted subject to a condition that they must be carried out in…
Veteran Tree Preservation Concerns Fail to Derail Holiday Village Plans
The world is fast waking up to the urgent need to protect nature and the preservation of mature…
Are You Paying Business Rates on Empty Premises? Consult a Lawyer Today!
What exactly constitutes ‘occupation’ of a commercial property? The High Court has provided a definitive answer to that…