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Wills, Trusts & Probate

Stay updated on developments in wills, trusts and probate law. Our articles offer guidance on estate planning and administration, reflecting the expertise of our dedicated team of solicitors in Oxford.

Making a Will? You Should Think Hard About Family Members’ Expectations
When making your will, you are perfectly entitled to bequeath your assets to whomever you choose. As a…
Lasting Powers of Attorney – Why it Makes Sense to Appoint a Professional
Many people very sensibly confer lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) on others so that their affairs can be…
Moral and Legal Obligations are Different – Family Inheritance Dispute
There can be a world of difference between a moral obligation and a legal one. The High Court…
Declaration of Father’s Death Opens Way for Son to Receive Inheritance
When people go missing, the need to provide closure for their families and to clarify inheritance issues demands…
Disinherited Widow Can Pursue Reasonable Provision Claim Despite Delay
If someone on whom you depend financially dies without reasonably providing for you in their will, you should…
Ambiguous Wills – Court of Appeal Gives Effect to Deceased’s Intentions
Where words used in a will are ambiguous, judges will strive to interpret them in a way that…
Inheritance and the Impact of Intestacy on Stepchildren – Guideline Ruling
In an era of increasingly fluid family relationships, many children are brought up by step-parents – but what…
Debtor Who Dispersed Inheritance From His Mother Jailed for Contempt
Asset freezing orders are an essential tool in the enforcement of judgment debts and those who breach them…
High Court Aids Widow Left in Precarious Position by Husband’s Death
If someone on whom you depended for support has died without making reasonable financial provision for you, you…
What Does ‘Survivor’ Mean? High Court Resolves Inheritance Doubts
Words are not numbers and even the most careful draftsman cannot guarantee that the meaning of a will…
Buying a Home Abroad & Inheritance Issues
It is many people’s dream to buy a home abroad, but it is important to remember that ownership…
Father Who Disinherited Daughter Lacked Capacity to Make a Valid Will
You are perfectly entitled to write your children or other close family members out of your will, but…