Our Fees

We have fixed fees for undefended divorce, consent orders and hearings and can agree bespoke fees to suit your budget so you will have peace of mind throughout the process. Our experienced legal team will always attempt to avoid long legal debate and focus on concluding your issue as quickly as possible.

Family Law Fees

We appreciate how important it is for our clients to have some certainty about how much it will cost to instruct us. We also believe that our clients deserve high quality advice to best protect their interests. We have established our reputation on delivering an excellent service at a fair price, not the cheapest.

Initial Advice Meeting

We should in this time be able to provide you with sufficient advice and information to enable you to make an informed decision about how you want to proceed. We will discuss funding your case and the various payment options available.

We offer an initial consultation of up to 1 hour with a Family Solicitor for as little as £150 plus VAT. Please note that payment will be required at the end of this meeting.

Our Charges

We normally charge on an hourly basis because the amount of work involved can be unpredictable. The hourly rate we charge depends on the level of experience of the solicitor you instruct, and a number of factors also determine how much we charge, including the importance or urgency of the matter, the value or complexity of the case.

We would need to assess what work might be involved before being able to assess your matter and advise you on the likely fees involved.

Hourly rates

Nick Bingham Solicitor £325

Imogen Holbrough Paralegal £175

In addition to our normal hourly charging rate we can offer a fixed fee for the following matters:

Fixed Fees


As a Petitioner on a straightforward ‘no fault’ Divorce, Judicial Separation or Civil Partnership suit:

£950 plus VAT. Court fees are payable in addition. The issue fee payable to the court is £550, including Final Order of Divorce.

Pre-nuptial Agreement, Co-habitation Agreement and Separation Agreement, where the main terms have been informally agreed by you and no further negotiation is needed:

Between £1,500 plus VAT and £2,400 plus VAT depending on the complexity of the financial arrangements. As both parties will require separate representation, the time involved taking instructions, negotiating terms, advising and reaching agreement can take on average 5 to 8 hours, depending on the complexities of the arrangements.

Financial Consent Order in Divorce Proceedings, following final agreement between you, or after successful mediation and signed Memorandum of Understanding. This includes taking your instructions, corresponding with the opposite side and their solicitors, drafting terms of a Consent Order agreeing terms, completing a detailed joint Statement of Information form for the Court and agreeing content with the other side, submitting a Consent Application to the Court for approval of the terms and dealing with any concerns the court may have with the application and finally sending you the Court’s sealed Order (not including implementing any of the terms of the order you have agreed):

Between £1,250 plus VAT and £2,500 plus VAT on average depending on the complexities involved and can take between 4 and 8 hours, plus Court fee of £104

Children Act

Representation at a first appointment or a review hearing – £1,250 plus VAT for a morning or an afternoon (includes preparation for hearing and settling order made). Should time at court exceed 3 hours our hourly rate will apply thereafter.

Checking Service – If you want to act in person but want initial advice and help completing your divorce petition or Children Act application or want them checked by us before you issue – £250 plus VAT

NB. You may be eligible for court fee exemption or remission on application to the court depending on your means

If additional or unforeseen work is undertaken, for example, arranging for personal service or applying to amend or supplement a petition, a further charge will be made based on time involved and fees incurred. We will provide you with details of what work is and is not included in a fixed fee.

Our fees do not include any fees or charges payable to third parties, for example, court fees, travel expenses or process service

Public Funding

We do not have a Civil Contract with the Legal Aid Agency for Family work.

What other funding options are there?

If you want to keep control over your budget, but your case is going to be lengthy or complex, we can look at the following options with you:

  • Regular monthly standing order payments to meet you budget and the work involved
  • Credit/Debit card payments
  • Periodic billing, usually monthly
  • An agreement to meet your costs out of any lump sum you eventually receive
  • Pay as you go for advice or help with documents as and when you need it
  • One off payment for representing you at a hearing
  • Fixed fees for each separate stage of your case, depending on an assessment of its importance and complexity
  • A litigation loan where there are financial claims and you are likely to receive a lump sum payment. This can be arranged through a specialist funding provider. Please ask us for details.
  • A Legal Services Payments Order. Once divorce proceedings start, a party who cannot afford legal representation can apply to the court for an order that the other party, who has available financial resources, makes payments to them to obtain legal advice and representation. It levels the playing field.

Please ask us for details of any of the above options

What if I require any other services?

You may be advised to make a Will or need some conveyancing work carried out to implement an agreement or Order. We can provide you with a quote for conveyancing and fixed fee for a straightforward Will.

All initial enquiries are without cost or obligation, so please call us now on 01865 721451 or, email info@challenor-gardiner.co.uk or complete our Free Online Enquiry contact form to discover your bespoke fixed price quotation